Assessment Results

Financial Freedom Could Be Right Around the Corner!

Your responses show that you have clearly put thought and energy into securing financial independence. You may be conscientious about passive income, however, there is still some work you must do in order to start investing like the rich. 

You’re doing a lot right, but financial freedom requires proven long-term strategies that many financial institutions do not offer clients because doing so is not in the best financial interest of the firm. Do you feel that your plan is on track? Have you been properly convinced that your plan is leading towards true financial independence? The rich do not invest to get petty cash; they are creating wealth that preserves their standard of living. This is not something that is exclusively reserved for the 1%, though. It is within your reach to bring in multiple streams of income. It is possible that you could start to live solely off of your investment. With the right help, you can begin this process today.  

If you ever want to break the cycle of feeling like you’re always working on behalf of someone else’s dreams then it’s time you took proactive steps to start investing like the rich and take your financial class to a new level. If you are already working with a professional advisor, it may be time to reassess your strategy. Is your advisor a fiduciary? If you aren’t sure, you need to find out. With the proper advice and guidance, financial freedom could be waiting for you just around the corner. 

Infinity Investing is an adaptable methodology that any level of investor can use to gain Financial Independence. Toby Mathis’s approach helps investors gain a clear, unbiased view of their financial situation, from simply defining your financial goals to deploying the same investment strategies leveraged by the wealthy. With a relatable 1+1=2 presentation, Toby Mathis demystifies the technocratic language of the market so that you can regain full control of your financial destiny and focus on the things that matter most to you. 

Take the first step on your Infinity Investing journey by filling out the Infinity Investing Calculator. With this long-overdue update to the traditional income spread tabulation, finding out your Infinity Net Worth is the key to unlocking your Financial Independence. Don’t waste another minute playing the investment game with an outdated playbook. Take a look inside Infinity Investing for the expert support needed to start investing like the rich. To get your copy now, click here

If you’re ready to become an Infinity Investor and take control of your Financial Independence, reach out to Toby Mathis and begin working with an expert who’s helped thousands reshape their future.

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